
Grace Ungemach

How to make a clickable email signature

Published 8 months ago • 1 min read

Create an email signature that links directly to your social channels!

(With neat little icons and no ugly hyperlinks!)

First, go to Canva to edit the basic templates I made for you. Add your logo or picture and change fonts/colors to match your brand.

Save all images as PNG.

Then, go to Google Docs to link each piece to the correct URL. (trust me, the fact that we do this in Google Docs will make the next step so much easier...)

Here's a video for how to do the rest:

Ta-da! A spiffy little email sig.

How did it work for you? Email me - let's see it!

Grace Ungemach

Digital Marketing Services & Education

I offer digital marketing education written with ministry in mind. Subscribe to my free, weekly newsletter to learn something new every Friday.

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