If you've been on the fence for a while, these questions might help you decide whether or not to pursue a new logo project. Ask yourself...
1) How is your organization unique? Point out 3 ways that unique-ness is reflected in your logo.
If your designer didn’t have multiple conversations with you about what makes your ministry special, they didn’t do their job! Logos should do more than look ✨cool✨ - they should put your organization on full display.
2) Why are you using the fonts you’re using?
Fonts shouldn’t be chosen exclusively based on preference.
3) Why are you using the colors you’re using?
Colors shouldn’t be chosen exclusively based on preference.
4) Do you have at least 3 orientations of your logo?
You should have a roughly square, horizontal, and long horizontal version of your logo so you can easily incorporate it into all sorts of designs.
5) Do you have a vector file of your logo?
If your logo files are in .jpg or .png format, they will lose quality at larger sizes (say, on an outdoor banner). These are raster (aka pixel-based) file types - so as you blow up the image, the pixels are going to show.
Vector files use mathematical formulas to blow up the image - so they don’t lose quality as they expand. You should have this type to use for larger canvases, like outdoor signage.
6) Do you know where your logo files are saved?
This seems like a basic thing, but it’s important that all of your logo files are safe and backed up. Additionally, if someone on your team needs the file, they will appreciate not having to pull it off of your website.
Until next week!
I offer digital marketing education written with ministry in mind. Subscribe to my free, weekly newsletter to learn something new every Friday.
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